CIRTL – Certification Process

Getting Started:

    1. Please submit this Google form using your UMBC email account.
    2. You receive information about how to register to Blackboard
    3. Follow the steps in Blackboard to get your associate level (level 1).
      Contact Dr. Gurganus if you have questions or concerns.
    4. When completing the certificate, please notify Dr. Gurganus. Certificates will be processed at the end of the semester.

To learn more about certificate levels, visit our About CIRTL page.

Eligibility criteria

Where/How do I take Workshops/MOOCS?

  1. Make sure you are signed up on Grad student and Postdoc development group page, events hosted by the GSPD indicated with the Ͼ symbol count towards your certificate.
  2. Please go to and choose any event or course from the events section to register. Click on Register and then select UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County) and fill in your details. Register and attend workshops for free that count towards your certificate. Click here to learn more about how to attend the events.
  3. Other institutions both in our PROMISE network (College Park, Johns Hopkins University) will also offer seminar workshops around the scholarship of teaching and learning. Prior approval from Dr. Gurganus, to validate if it counts toward the certification is required.

Staying Connected

  • You can stay connected to the GSPD at UMBC by following the GSPD myUMBC Page: GSPD at UMBC.
  • We are part of a more extensive network of educationists – the nationwide CIRTL network. Join in here: Nationwide CIRTL network
  • Please subscribe to the newsletter to find out about upcoming events
  • Subscribe to the events calendar (CIRTL Network <

Resources & Quick Links

  1. UMBC is a member of the CIRTL Network. Please develop a profile and log in to access the resources.
  2. The following link has a playlist of recently recorded workshops on effective online teaching: CIRTL Network.
  3. UMBC PROMISE can be visited at and you have questions, please contact