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Research Poster Design Workshop

Capture your research and scholarly work to engage and share


The Commons : 329

Date & Time

February 7, 2019, 11:30 am1:00 pm


GSA Poster Workshop will engage students, regardless of subject or degree, on how to present their work in a poster session. This workshop is highly recommended for students planning to present at the GEARS Symposium, conducting research or to learn how to design a poster free of charge.

The Poster Workshop will be lead by Joe School and Tim Ford

Tim Ford is the Manager of Research Graphics at the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences. Tim has been working in scientific photography, videography, and graphics at UMBC off and on for the past 30 years. In 2015, his service at UMBC, "Research Graphics," joined the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences as one of the four Core Facilities centered here to provide services for the entire UMBC campus. He has printed on the order of thousands of posters, and figures by now, he can tell a good one from a bad.

Joe School is the Director of Cartographic Services in the Department of Geography & Environmental Systems. Joe's expertise is in map design and production and also works with students and faculty in preparing posters for conferences.

Both School and Ford have nearly 30 years of experience in visual design and graphics.

Students can provide a copy of their poster (as a pdf) to be reviewed during the workshop for feedback by emailing GSA at GSA@UMBC.edu

Raffles will be drawn at the end of the workshop for a student to receive a full printed version of the poster to use for the GEARS visual session.

Lunch will be provided - Registration is required as seating is limited. This Poster Workshop is open to all Graduate and PhD students.

Register Here