PostDocs | News

The Science of Attraction

Biologist Tamra Mendelson explains how sexual selection plays a major role in the evolution of vibrant features, from stripes to tail feathers. Male cardinals are red. Male peacocks have...

Posted: February 11, 2015, 10:08 PM

UMBC visits Japan to kick off cybersecurity partnership

Steiner and Moreira represent UMBC at Kyushu University

By Sarah Hansen UMBC Vice President for Research Karl V. Steiner and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Antonio Moreira traveled to Fukuoka, Japan for the opening of Japan’s first academic...

Posted: February 9, 2015, 3:26 PM

New IRB Guidance on Focus Group Research

The IRB is providing updated guidance on the use of focus groups in research studies, the types of review and wording for consent documents. For more information, see Focus Group Research on...

Posted: January 9, 2015, 11:28 AM

Prof. Kate Brown Awarded Alfred J. Beveridge Prize by AHA

by Sierra Francis For the year of 2014, UMBC Professor of History Kate Brown was awarded the Alfred J. Beveridge prize by the American Historical Association for her new book, Plutopia. This...

Posted: January 7, 2015, 4:16 PM

Understanding Policies:Graduate Assistant Maternity Leave

See pg. 8 of the GA Handbook.

Per the Graduate Assistant Handbook, all graduate students requesting maternity leave will need to notify his/her Graduate Program Director (GPD) or supervisor immediately. All requests for...

Posted: December 26, 2014, 9:07 PM

Updates to ORPC forms and documents

To continue our outreach and providing the most up to date templates for our investigators to use, please click on the ORPC Documents and Forms page to download the most current versions. Please...

Posted: December 22, 2014, 11:52 AM