
  • Your GPC and GPD: Document
    • If you are concerned about your academic progress and want to discuss it with someone besides your advisor, please make an appointment with your GPD. They are here to help you! See the GPD list to find your GPD
  • Grad School Progressions Team
    • The staff at the Graduate School are here to welcome and assist you in your academic career at UMBC.
    • Contact:
  • Student Business Services: 
    • SBS is the office that bills students, collects tuition and fees and issues student refunds. We process student payments, tuition remission, military waivers and post payments to student accounts from outside agencies.
  • Black and Gold Fund
    • The Stay Black and Gold Emergency Fund is available to our students based on generous donations to support students through financially challenging circumstances. Funding is limited and priority consideration is given to students who have taken full advantage of other aid options.
  • Retriever Essentials: 
    • UMBC is proud to launch RETRIEVER ESSENTIALS: a faculty, staff, and student partnership to tackle food insecurity in our university community.
  • Fellowships (Grad school website)
    • Fellowships, like scholarships, are selective awards granted to graduate students for academic excellence. They are used to fund graduate study, and scholarly work or to provide professional development to an aspiring graduate student. Internal fellowships are offered through UMBC, while external fellowships may be obtained outside the university.
  • Grad Student Emergency Fund
    • Through a generous donor, up to $500 can be issued to students in immediate financial distress caused by an unforeseen emergency. This includes paycheck delays, loss of job, medical issues, family emergencies, etc.
    • Contact: Dr. Jeff Halverson
  • Outside Campus Resources: 
    • Esperanza Scholarship – $2000 scholarship. Any undergraduate or graduate student of Latino or Hispanic ancestry and or students committed to the advancement of minorities, especially of Latino or Hispanic descent. Applications are due in early April. More details and eligibility can be found here.
    • Health Policy Research Scholars $30,000 annual stipend for up to four years. The ideal candidate is a second-year doctoral student in any academic discipline who wants to apply their discipline-based research training to advance to help build healthier and more equitable communities is invited to apply. This funding is for students from underrepresented populations and/or historically marginalized backgrounds (Hispanics/Latinx, Blacks/African Americans, Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islander descendants).
    • Pathways to Science has a variety of resources and webinars available to help students find funding for their graduate education. They have resources for:

      • Fellowships for Masters’s students
      • Fellowships for Doctoral candidates
      • Graduate Programs and Internships
      • Short-term funding opportunities (travel funds, summer institutes, etc).
    • P.E.O. org fellowships for “women” graduate students
      • P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund – This loan is for women who are within 2 years of completing their course of study. The maximum loan amount is $12,000 for undergrads, $15,000 for master’s, and $20,000 for doctoral-level degrees. The current interest amount is 2%.
      • P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education – This grant program is for women who have had at least a 24-month interruption in their studies and are within 24 months of completing their program. The maximum grant is $3,000.
      • P.E.O. Scholar Awards – This award is for women who are within 2 years of completing their doctoral-level degree.
      • P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship – This scholarship is for women who are not US citizens and are enrolled full-time in a graduate program. The maximum amount awarded is $12,500.
    • The Fullbright-Hayes Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowship Program
      • Provides opportunities for doctoral candidates to engage in full-time dissertation research abroad in modern foreign languages and area studies. The program is designed to deepen research knowledge and increase the study of modern foreign languages, cultural engagement, and area studies not generally included in U.S. curricula. Studies may request funding to support overseas research for a period of no less than 6 months and no more than 12 months. Funds support travel expenses to and from the residence of the fellow and the country or countries of research, allowance for research-related expenses, and health and accident insurance premiums. To learn more please visit their website.

UMBC supports all graduate students in finding fellowships and funding for their graduate education. Some of these fellowships are designed particularly to enhance the support and experience of underrepresented minority graduate students or have a goal of having scholars in academia reflect the population at large. For example: Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship 
  • The Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program assists universities and colleges in diversifying the STEM workforce through their efforts at significantly increasing the number of students completing high-quality degree programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Senior-level LSAMP alliances qualify for Bridge to the Doctorate (BD) support. BD funding provides eligible students with financial support for two years of graduate study.

The LSAMP program is managed by the Division of Human Resource Development (HRD), which is part of the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).  The University System of Maryland’s LSAMP BD Program includes UMBC and the University of Maryland College Park. In alternate years, proposals for LSAMP BD programs are submitted to NSF by UMBC and UMCP.

Highly valued activities include regular BD meetings, student mentoring, resources to support annual student participation at professional meetings, seminars on productive academic efforts, demystifying degree programs, and available career options. A critical mass of twelve (12) LSAMP STEM graduate students is required under this activity. The NSF contribution to graduate student stipends is $60,000 over two years for each of twelve students.

If you want more information about this program, contact: Sunji Jangha

Funded by an NIH-MBRS Initiative to Maximize Student Development (IMSD) grant, the Meyerhoff Fellows Program focuses on promoting cultural diversity in the biomedical sciences at the graduate level and increasing diversity among students pursuing Ph.D. degrees in the biomedical and behavioral sciences (fields external but related to biomedical and behavioral sciences are included). Now in its 22nd year, the program attracts students from such institutions as Duke, Emory, Stanford, and the University of Delaware.

If you want more information about this program, contact: Justine Johnson

GEM is a network of leading corporations, government laboratories, top universities, and top research institutions that enables qualified students from underrepresented communities to pursue graduate education in applied science and engineering.

GEM’s fellowship programs span the entire recruitment, retention, and professional development spectrum. GEM’s principal activity is the provision of graduate fellowships at the MS and Ph.D. levels coupled with paid summer internships. GEM also offers fellowships without paid summer internships through our GEM University and Associate Fellowship programs.

If you want more information about this program, contact: Sunji Jangha

If you are interested in becoming a Faculty Member – GSPD will be a great resource for you! We offer a series of Future Faculty Workshops (previously called Professor in Training or PROF-IT) including a workshop on Faculty Roles at Different Types of Academic Institutions, panels of faculty to learn from at our Summer Success Institute, a workshop called Postdoc 101 to help you learn about postdoc programs, and a summer series to prepare you for the Academic Job Market.

We can also help you apply for programs geared to helping students, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds, get intensive pre-professoriate training, like NextProf Nexus at the University of Michigan, WiscProf at the University of Wisconsin, or the Building Future Faculty program at NC University. We also have free CIRTL certification for those of you who want to earn a Nationally Recognized STEM Teaching Certificate.

The American Psychology Association has a series of interviews with faculty of color to help grad students get advice about becoming faculty.

Have a laugh at the amazing ego of this academic, James Mickens, a computer scientist from Harvard. Here are his tenure announcement and his page of wisdom. There are hilarious videos of his academic talks at the bottom — the one I watched was “Computers Are a Sadness, I am the Cure.”

Find your GPDs and GPCs: Document
  • GA Handbook: 
    • The Graduate Assistant (GA) Handbook is a compilation of University policies and practices governing graduate assistantships. The Graduate School strongly recommends that all GAs become familiar with the Handbook.
  • Issues impacting GAs broadly – GAAC: 
    • The Graduate Assistant Advisory Committee (GAAC) was created in accordance with the University System of Maryland (USM) Meet and Confer policy. This policy facilitates formal discussions between Graduate Assistants (GAs) and university administration about employment issues such as compensation and benefits.
    • Contact – GAAC 
  • Logistics, Contracts
  • Advisor/Advisee Issues

Graduate Student Ambassadors are volunteer student peers who serve as a ‘brain trust’ for other students seeking information and resources regarding becoming successful virtual learners in COVID-19.

Ambassadors provide information, share their experiences on what has and has not worked in effective strategies, and direct students to the resources available on campus.

Please review this list of Ambassador volunteers and contact them with your questions via the contact information provided.

Please connect with us on our Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Development myUMBC group! In addition, we are happy to help you connect with any of these organizations and try to help promote or sponsor events with these groups that are particularly aimed at supporting diverse students. A list of additional Graduate Student Organizations (GSOs) open to all students is at the bottom of this page.

Black Graduate Student Association – The Black Graduate Student Organization has been established for the expressed purpose of creating community and relationship among all Black Graduate students on the UMBC campus. We are here to provide Black Graduate students with academic and professional resources, monthly discussion meetings, and host events that will acknowledge Black Graduate students who have excelled in particular areas. Our goal is to cultivate Black social experiences and provide a safe space for Black students pursuing higher education.

EKTA – Indian Students in association with the Indian Graduate Student Organisation-EKTA, here at University of Maryland, Baltimore County can do a lot for you. We help International students with their easy transition to USA and students residing in USA with other things. Join this group to get updates about our events.

Hispanic/Latino Student UnionHispanic Latino Student Union (HLSU) stands for students who are “unidos con tradicion y honor” — that is, students who are united with tradition and honor. We are united by our willingness to reach out to the community in any way, shape, or form. We try our very hardest to break any barriers (cultural, physical, and psychological) that may prevent from students working together on theUMBC campus. HLSU also stands for the friendship bonds that are formed through the various community service events we offer.

Latinx and Hispanic Graduate Student Association (LHGSA)- Organization of graduate students from Latinx and Hispanic backgrounds at UMBC creating community, networking opportunities, and professional development.

Nigerian Graduate Student Association – The Nigerian Graduate Student Association (NGSA) is an association committed to the intellectual success of all Nigerian graduate students at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. It is devoted to providing professional and social interactions and support among Nigerian graduate students. The NGSA will collaborate with the Graduate Student Association and the African Student Association to effectively pursue and achieve its goals of providing opportunities and support as well as fostering a sense of community for Nigerian Graduate Students through events, collaborative projects within and outside the association.

There are also a number of additional Graduate Student Organizations open to all graduate students that can help you find a great sense of community and friendship:

  • Global Engagement Center
    • The Global Engagement Center is dedicated to supporting and facilitating global academic initiatives by advancing the international exchange of students, scholars and faculty and by providing leadership in intercultural learning through study abroad.
    • Contact:
  • Writing Tutor for Students for who English is not their first language:
      • The English Language Institute has a graduate assistant dedicated as a writing tutor for international graduate students.
  • GSPD (Graduate Student and PostDoc Development Office):
    • GSPD is the hub of professional development for all graduate students and postdocs at UMBC. GSPD provides a community of learning and support from the time you arrive on campus to the proud day that you depart for the next stage of your career.
    • Contact: GSPD or GSPD Team or Yarazeth Medina or Robin Cresiski
  • CIRTL:
    • UMBC was pleased to join the CIRTL Network in 2016. Our own graduate students and post-docs will benefit from access to workshops and courses as well as our own contributions to the network. Becoming part of the CIRTL Network has provided a common bond among our various initiatives to produce future faculty who understand education innovations and diversity initiatives. This formalized structure to establish baseline competencies in these areas will allow members of our local “Learning Community” to become practitioners, associates, and scholars in the integration of research, teaching, and learning. CIRTL is an important part of our PROMISE umbrella – which is our hub for graduate student and postdoctoral development.
    • Contact: Jamie Gurganus
  • Digital Badges: 
    • Digital badges are an innovative way to showcase career knowledge, skills and abilities obtained through professional development.
  • Career Center
    • The UMBC Career Center empowers undergraduate and graduate students to actively explore, experience, and succeed in their future careers. Employers, parents, alumni and faculty are critical partners in our work.
    • Contact: Diane Crump-Fogle
  • Black Graduate Student Organization: 
    • The Black Graduate Student Organization has been established for the expressed purpose of creating community and relationship among all Black Graduate students on the UMBC campus.
    • Contact: Nicole Telfer 
  • Hispanic Student Union: 
    • Hispanic Latino Student Union (HLSU) stands for students who are “unidos con tradicion y honor”–that is, students who are united with tradition and honor.
    • Contact: Cristhian Miranda
    • PROMISE is the hub of professional development for all graduate students and postdocs at UMBC and is a part of a PROMISE network across the University System of Maryland. PROMISE provides a community of learning and support from the time you arrive on campus to the proud day that you depart for the next stage of your career.
    • Contact: PROMISE or PROMISE Team or Yarazeth Medina or Robin Cresiski
  • GEM Fellowship & Bridge to Doctorate Scholars:
    • Senior-level LSAMP alliances are eligible for Bridge to the Doctorate (BD) support. BD funding provides eligible students with financial support for two years of graduate study.
    • Contact: Sunji Jangha
  • Meyerhoff Graduate Program: 
    • The Meyerhoff Graduate Fellows Program began in 1996 with a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Science. The goal of the program is to increase diversity among students pursuing Ph.D. degrees in the biomedical and behavioral sciences. Now in its 22 nd year, the program is open to U.S. students and permanent residents from all cultures and backgrounds who are interested in the advancement of underrepresented groups in the biomedical and behavioral sciences.
    • Contact: Justine M. Johnson
  • Counseling Center:
    • The UMBC Counseling Center is open and providing fully remote services due to safety considerations for the campus community during the Covid-19 pandemic. Clinicians will meet virtually with students through a secure video conference platform (WebEx).
    • Contact: Sam L. Chan, MSW, LCSW-C
  • Group Support Group
    • The Counseling Center offers a variety of group experiences depending on the need that particular semester (i.e., Connections on Campus Interpersonal Group, Dissertation Support Group, LGBTQ Support Group, Grief & Loss Support Group).
    • Contact: Keyaira Williams
  • I3b:
    • UMBC is one of the most diverse campuses in the nation, and we value the richness that such diversity brings to campus life. The Initiatives for Identity, Inclusion & Belonging creates opportunities for students to build their awareness and knowledge of diverse people, cultures and belief systems.
    • Contact: Jasmine A. Lee
  • Office of Student Disability Services (SDS): 
    • Drop-in hours
      Mondays 9 – 11 am, 12 – 4:30 pm
      Wednesdays 9 – 11 am, 12 – 4:30 pm
      Thursdays 4:30 -6:30 pm
      Fridays 10 am – 12 pm, 2 pm – 4 pm
    • Contact:
  • Women’s Center:
    • The Women’s Center at UMBC advances gender equity from an intersectional feminist perspective through co-curricular programming, support services, and advocacy for marginalized individuals and communities. We prioritize critical social justice as our community value, with a deliberate focus on women, gender, anti-racism, and feminism.
    • Contact: Amelia Meman

Here are some other Resources!

Professional Development:

  • Postdoctoral Association: Join the UMBC Postdoctoral Association (PDA) to connect with other postdocs and access professional development opportunities, including workshops, networking events, and seminars.
  • Center for Women in Technology: The Center for Women in Technology offers a range of programs and resources aimed at increasing the representation of women in technology fields, including workshops, mentoring, and networking opportunities.
  • Graduate School: The Graduate School offers a variety of professional development opportunities for postdocs, including workshops on grant writing, career planning, and teaching.


  • Research Funding Opportunities: The UMBC Office of Sponsored Programs maintains a list of external funding opportunities for postdocs and resources for proposal development.
  • Research Computing: The Division of Information Technology offers a range of resources and support for research computing, including access to high-performance computing resources, data storage, and software licensing.
  • Library Services: The Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery offers various services and resources to support research and scholarship, including access to databases, journals, and other research materials.


  • Counseling Center: The Counseling Center offers free and confidential counseling services to all UMBC students, including postdocs. They also offer a range of wellness workshops and resources.
  • Campus Recreation: UMBC Campus Recreation offers a range of fitness and wellness programs, including fitness classes, intramural sports, and outdoor recreation opportunities.
  • Employee Assistance Program: UMBC offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to provide confidential support and resources to employees, including postdocs and their families.

For Faculty Resources, Please visit us at the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs! Happy Exploring!

  • Professional Development Opportunities: Postdoctoral scholars can access professional development opportunities and resources through the National Postdoctoral Association, which offers webinars, mentoring, and other resources for career development. Many universities also have their own postdoctoral associations or offer postdoc-specific resources and events, so be sure to check with your institution to see what’s available.
  • Funding Opportunities: Postdocs often need to secure their own funding to support their research, travel to conferences, and other expenses. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) offers several funding opportunities specifically for postdocs, as do many other organizations and foundations. Check with your institution’s Office of Postdoctoral Affairs or Office of Research to learn more about funding opportunities available to postdocs.
  • Mentoring and Networking: As a postdoc, it’s important to build strong relationships with mentors and peers in your field. Look for opportunities to attend conferences, workshops, and other events where you can connect with others in your field. You can also seek out mentoring opportunities through programs like the National Research Mentoring Network, which offers mentoring and professional development resources for scientists at all career stages.
  • Teaching and Outreach: Many postdocs are interested in pursuing careers in academia, and teaching and outreach can be important components of a faculty job. Look for opportunities to develop your teaching skills, such as serving as a teaching assistant or attending workshops on evidence-based teaching practices. You can also look for opportunities to engage in science outreach and communication, such as participating in science festivals or working with K-12 students.
  • Career Planning and Job Searches: Postdocs should start thinking about their career plans early on, and should seek out resources to help them navigate the job search process. Your institution’s Office of Postdoctoral Affairs may offer career planning resources, or you can seek out support from organizations like the National Postdoctoral Association or the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Additionally, many universities host job fairs or other events specifically for postdocs, so be sure to keep an eye out for those opportunities.


Maryland & Affiliates

National Resources
